Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Think of yourself as "product"

Marketing a product takes a lot of preparation and planning. In order to market a product to a potential employer the three P's (place, promotion and price) have to be taken into account and integrated into the task. First, the product has to be at a convenient place and factors such as the cost included in the placement, how effective and efficient the product can be transported and how much inventory can fit there. To promote the product the process includes setting up effective advertising, sales promotion, the people who will be in charge of the publicity and the overall costs of each part of product promotion. Another important part would be to compare the product with similar existing products to figure out the price of the product. Included in the price would be the selling price, the possible discount price or rebates, the payment period and credit terms, and again the overall costs of figuring that all out.

*Which one of the three P's is the most important?

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