Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In response to Rachel's Post...

Question: What was your New Year’s resolution? And have you stuck to it?

My New Year's resolution was to start eating healthier. The problem with this resolution is I am a college student on a tight budget who is living off-campus. Therefore, when I go shopping for groceries I tend to buy the cheapest things that last the longest and you can imagine those items aren't usually apples and bananas. I did start eating healthier for awhile when I was still home at my parent's house for the rest of winter break. Unfortunately, as soon as I returned to my apartment I was only able to eat healthy a few times a week which then turned into once a week and now I eat healthy once in a while when my finances allow me to.

*What ideas would you suggest to someone trying to eat healthier on a very slim budget?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

10 Ideas for Restaurant Marketing

According to there are many marketing strategies for restaurants in today's society but the most important and innovative ones are:

1. Get good press

2. Create a website

3. Redesign the menu

4. Implement frequency marketing

5. Host events

6. Try up-selling

7. Market your take-out and delivery service

8. Promote through email

9. Commit to going green

10. Involve customers in a contest

I think all of these are good ideas to help restaurants market themselves but the one that I believe is the best one is to create a website. It seems as though every restaurant has a website these days but you'd be surprised at how many don't have one or if they do it's not very well put together. Not only having a website but having a well presented and appealing website is very important to draw customers in because a lot of people search the web to find a good place to go out to eat before they actually make a decision and head to the restaurant.

*What do you think is the most effective/useful technique mentioned above?
