Disney channel for preschoolers
This article on Bloomberg Businessweek written by Christopher Palmeri discusses the new preschool focused disney channel that was newly launched on March 23rd. These shows are to be viewed through the Junior Disney channel aimed at 2-7 year olds and requires a specific cable subscription. The advantages of this channel is the characters are the same age as the targeted audience and they are doing good in society such as taking on the role as a doctor. These still are cartoons but more virtual and real-looking than the competing companies' cartoons such as Nickelodeon. Also, this new Disney channel distinquishes from other children networks because they will be almost ad-free, just leaving room for brief disney movie/program promotions and limited sponsorships such as a lysol commerical reminding children to wash their hands. Disney plans to reach about 30 million U.S. households and expects many parents to resonate with the idea of minimal commercial programming for their children.
*Do you think this channel will be as successful as Disney hopes it will be?
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